Another successful year for the Young Pioneers Program!

We want to thank all who volunteered to help teach these young minds about life during colonial times.

This year our young pioneers learned about metal piercing, how to sew a leather pouch, what it takes to train in the militia, blocking and dying patterns, uses of herbs and native plants, rope making, how to thresh wheat, how to start a fire with tow & charcloth, and they even had a  hand in blacksmithing. 

They also had lessons about the Haudenosaunee by Glenn Bentz and discussions of people, battles, and government. 

It wasn't all work - they had fun learning how to make butter and bake pound cake & sugar pretzels in the beehive oven! They even learned a few fun 18th-century games like hoops, tug of war, and ball and cup.​

Young Pioneers Program 2023