The following poem, written by an elderly Amish friend, best sums up my preparation for your visit:

My shop seems always in a mess And that is how I like it, As otherwise ‘wouldn’t seem natural And wouldn’t feel right in it Not that I like messed-up places Especially one like this, But some things are beyond my control And exceptions do exist. So if you walk into my shop And you are not satisfied, Suppose you help me straighten up, Cause as you know – I’ve tried Atlee J. Coblentz

My farmstead has seven structures, and you are welcome to enter all of them. Do be careful and watch your step. Old buildings have uneven steps, floors, stairs, and walkways, and mine are filled with objects that have taken my fancy.

The registration area where you are now standing is the garage, shop, and storage area. In the shop area, you will find a display of tools made from worn-out files and rasps.

Directly across the road is the White House. It houses two, usable as available, indoor bathrooms… do note their location.. one upstairs and one down. There is also a collection of squares on view in the kitchen… tools made in nearby Little Falls in the lower front room toward the barn: a few special tools and hammers in the lower front room toward the driveway: some art and advertising pieces in the hallway and some upstairs furnishings of note.

Immediately behind the house is the “Summer Kitchen” with its beehive oven and period furnishings.

The small building between the shop and the house is my “as-needed” utility building… useful but not exciting.

The late 18th-century Dutch Barn is integral to the farm. It is as I restored it and houses tools and artifacts… some from the farm, but all from the local area. I expect to be in and around the barn for most of the day and will be happy to try and answer any questions you may have.

Directly across the road from the barn is my “shoe shop.” This building and its contents are dedicated to my Great Grandmother who labored at this craft.

The next building… up the hill and on the way back to the reception center is also 18th century. It was originally located several miles northwest of here and had been neglected for years at the time I acquired it. After building a new foundation and sawing out the lumber, a few friends gathered and we had a proper house-raising. I’ve enjoyed fitting and furnishing it, and I hope you will enjoy visiting it.

Well, this is pretty much the tour. Hope you find it interesting and enjoyable. I have most certainly relished the opportunity to have you visit me. Thanks for coming… have a safe trip home… and I hope we may stay in touch.

Willis Barshied, Jr.

​​Welcome… Welcome… New friends and old, to the Kilts-Barshied Farm in Stone Arabia